Educational Webinars

Air Filtration & Facemask Update on COVID-19
The webinar will further discuss air filtration and facemasks on COVID-19, including its continuous impact on global air filtration market, new updates from ASHRAE, general practices in hospitals and buildings, lessons learned from the field and latest developments of facemasks and air filtration to prevent coronavirus infection and keep people safe back to work.

Clean Air Strategies for Public Health
The objective of this open education webinar is to provide you the latest developments of clean air strategies for public health. Our distinguished speakers panel experts will answer your questions live online. Chris Muller, Director of IEQ Technical Services for AAF Flanders will address Air filtration technologies for clean indoor & outdoor air and what are the requirements for IAQ control and healthy buildings. It will cover ambient air quality, current and developing enhanced air cleaning technologies, and methods being used to evaluate the effectiveness of these various technologies. Tyler Smith, Executive Director – Healthy Buildings, Johnson Controls, will address the multiple value propositions of smart buildings and how technology can be leveraged to ensure IAQ, wellness and decarbonization are an “and” proposition, not an “or” proposition. Dr. John Zhang, a Lead Specialist of 3M will present a recent study on indoor airborne particle control by HVAC filters and room air purifiers to help us understand the relationship between filter efficiency and CADR (clean air delivery rate) and reduction of the PM (particulate matter) concentration in a house. Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow and member of the ASHRAE ETF, past Chair of ASHRAE 52.2 and of SSPC 145 will provide an update on current ASHRAE ETF recommendations for filtration/air cleaning and on options that can be implemented quickly.

Cleaning Air Solutions During a Global Pandemic
Air Filtration in Response to COVID-19, Dr. Thomas Caesar
Abstract: Air filtration has never been under such a high public focus as a safety requirement as it is today during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a strong indication that the coronavirus can spread as aerosols via the air. As the virus may attach to smaller or larger particles (solid or liquid), a wide range of particle sizes must be considered from micrometers down to the nanoscale in terms of virus removal for personal protection.
HVAC Air Filter Inspection, Installation and Verification for updated CDC COVID-19 Guidelines, Mr. Stephen Nicholas
Abstract: With the advanced filtration technologies and air cleaning solutions, it is essential to know how to select the right filters for your HVAC systems to comply with ASHRAE, ASHE, JCAHO updated requirements and the latest CDC COVID-19 Guidelines and to ensure proper inspection, installation, and maintenance of the air filtration system for a safe and healthy indoor environment.
Universal Method to Evaluate the Performance of Facemasks, Dr. Paolo Tronville, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Abstract: Standardized test methods to assess the performance of surgical masks and personal protective equipment for the respiratory tract prescribe rather complicated and lengthy test methods using measuring equipment hard to find on the market. We present an innovative test method to measure the filtration performance of face masks based on ISO 16890 series. This method provides a clear and complete performance assessment, in a much shorter time, and providing data uncertainty. We present and compare the data obtained by testing the three categories of devices with the new method.

Filtration Principles and Technologies of Facemasks for Protection against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
On January 30, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a ‘public health emergency of international concern’. As of February 11, 2020, 43,103 people (2,560 new in the last 24 hours) in 24 countries have been infected and total 1,018 deaths (108 new in the last 24 hours) were reported according to WHO daily report. WHO has named the disease COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease 2019.”
Facemasks have never been so highly demanded and routinely used as they are today in China and other infected countries in preventing the virus spread. Coronavirus fears lead to worldwide facemask shortages. Meanwhile, there is a strong desire from the general public to understand the basic principles of face masks, including filtration mechanisms, types of facemasks, performance and test standards, how to choose and use facemasks, and if/how they can be reused. Waterloo Filtration Institute (WFI) has scheduled an education seminar to the general public worldwide to address these issues. Our panel experts will answer your specific questions at the end of the webinar.

Managing Indoor Air Quality in the COVID19 Era: Strategies for Safety and Efficacy
We spend much more than 90% of our time indoors and during the current COVID19 pandemic that time can even increase to all time. It’s as important as ever to keep the indoor air as healthy as possible. This webinar will bring two experts to discuss the challenges and strategies involved in managing indoor air quality in the COVID19 Era.