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Waterloo Filtration Institute a Year of Excitement and Education

WFI has completed its first year of educational based instruction. Each course is designed with teaching those new to the filtration industry a host of topics from very technical, business, and market trends within that industry. It also provides comprehensive instruction and review to those who have been in the industry for years. Our presentation of the material will continue to be conducted by experts in the filtration market and adjacent areas, that have many years of years in the selected specialty.

What we accomplished during 2020 –

First - An Introduction to Global Filtration by Mr. Jay Forcucci

From the air we breathe to the water we drink; filtration has affected almost all aspects of our daily life. This course aims to introduce filtration and an overall understanding of the global market and various applications directly related to environmental protection, clean energy, health living, equipment protection, and the advance of new technologies.

Second - Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan Bhat

Nonwovens continue to grow in production and consumption all over the world. From cheap disposable products to high-value engineered products, nonwovens find application in several areas that are critical to our life and environment, including that of filtration. Filtration and other nonwovens' performance depend on the structure and properties of the products, which in turn depend on the choice of the materials and the processes used.

Then on with the 17 instructional courses; from March through December with our highly qualified Instructors with very current topics

Starting in March, we began the course curriculum with two separate courses entitled; Introductions to Air and Liquid Filtration, which touched on all of the areas involved in both types of filtration processes. The courses were given by professions from the industry such as Dr. Sun and Kathleen Owen, an ASHRAE Fellow and Dr. Wu Chen, a Principle Research Scientist at Dow Chemical.

We have some outstanding instructors for our courses, such as Jim Rosenthal – Tex-Air Filters, Joel Swann – AAF/Flanders, Dr. Ellie Amirnasr – Qlair/M+H, Bob Burkhead – Blue Heaven Technologies and Gary Bessee – Bessee Expert Services.

The rest of the courses concentrated on specific filtration processes, from Filter Media Selection, Testing, Design with not only nonwovens material but with membrane and non-synthetic products currently being used in the industry. We rounded out our classes with Filtration and Separation processes in Waste Water Stream with Dr. Thomas Peters, who has years of experience in the technology involved in this filtration segment.

We thank all of our instructors and panelist for their participation in this year’s training.

That’s not all - WFI had four free educational Webinars aimed at current issues within the global filtration market:

February - Filtration Principles and Technologies of Facemasks for Protection against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

April - Hospital Air Filtration & Facemasks for Protection against COVID-19

July - Air Filtration & Facemask Update on COVID-19

September - Managing Indoor Air Quality in the COVID19 Era: Strategies for Safety and Efficacy

Now the Grand Finally – December 15 and 16, 2020

As a culmination of all our work for 2020, we concluded the year with a final 2-day event entitled – IAQ Health and Safety Solutions Associated with Covid-19.

Our speakers for this event were taken from many filtration areas to present a narrative of the industry's position currently and the future. We had two days of two sessions each day plus a Product of the Year Award and Graduation for our CFSS students.

Our two days were packed with 16 highly regarded and qualified speakers with 4 key sessions:

Day 1 - 1. Emerging Challenges and Responses, and 2. IAQ and the built Environment

Day 2 - 1. Facemask Technologies and the Latest Developments 2. Facemask filter Test Methods and Standards

Day One Conclusion - At the end of the first day, we also had Products of the Year and Innovative Product of the Year selections. The product nominations were submitted from over 8 different countries.

Product of the Year and Innovative Products of the Year

Day two Conclusion - CFSS Graduation Ceremony with over 30 students and presentation of Student of the Year Award.

December 2020 - All of these courses led to one goal: the certification of our students as having expert training and knowledge about the field of filtration. Each of the nearly 30 students was Certified as a Specialist in Filtration and Separation, with one student being selected as the class honorarium. (CFSS)

Student of the Year - Kiarash Kiantaj, LMS Technologies

“ The program really exposed me to a number of areas in filtration that I was not aware of before the course (...) I will definitely try my best to be more involved in the field as much as possible”.

WFI serves the global filtration industry with its comprehensive and high-quality continued education program. The courses discussed above are all available for purchase or review by visiting the Waterloo Filtration Institute Website. At this site, you can choose to register for our 2021courses (available soon) or purchase existing prerecorded courses from 2020. You can also join other professionals here at Waterloo Filtration Institute and join our professional filtration educational community.

WFI is also offering our 2020 conference proceeding for purchase in our Library of Conference Proceeding. Once purchased, you can review the proceedings of any topic discussed at your leisure and use it for reference.

Become a Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist and take advantage of our most comprehensive educational program in Filtration and Separation to boost your knowledge and raise your professional value in the filtration marketspace.

These courses from 2020 are Available on Demand with registration, and new courses will be added in 2021

Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan Bhat

Filter Media Technologies by Dr. Christine Sun

Air Filtration I &II by Ms. Kathleen Owen, et al. Particle/Air Separation, by Dr. Chao Tan

Gas Phase Filtration by Mr. Kevin Jameson

Liquid Filtration I & II by Dr. Wu Chen

Face Mask Technologies I & II by Dr. Christine Sun

Membranes in Filtration by Mr. Scott P. Yaeger

Nanofibers in Filtration by Dr. Christine Sun

Fuel/Oil/Hydraulic and Lube Filtration by Mr. Gary Bessee, et al

Air Filtration for Hospitals by Mr. Stephen Nicholas

Your membership opens the doors to many opportunities. It gains company recognition in the filtration community and shows your peers that you are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the industry with technical information advancement. WFI offers a community of certified specialists that you can rely on for support to help you manage your business and professional development for you, your company employees and colleagues. Our product certifications ensure that your business provides high product quality to your customers.

Take a look at what our clients are saying and become a member!!!

“This is a GREAT and successful meeting. I am very happy to participate and learn great professional knowledge. This is very helpful to me”.

P Chen, Flyish Ltd.

“Wonderful Conference and the Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist program was really worth the time”.

Kate Wilson, Senior Advanced Materials Engineer Knowlton Tech. , LLC

“Thank you. I enjoyed listening to some of the other talks and definitely enjoyed presenting and the questions! I’m looking forward to future involvement”.

Janelle R. Bentz, M.S., Department Scientist, Nelson Labs

PureAir is honored to receive this award from WFI. Our product launch team has been working tirelessly to bring this proven COVID killer to market. This helps recognize the countless hours that they have dedicated to our efforts against the pandemic. We also thank WFI for their assistance in regard to our accelerated communications plan for this product”.

Kevin Jameson, President Pure Air Filtration

“Many thanks and congratulations to this successful event. Happy holidays and hopefully a better next year for all of us”.

Dr. Thomas Caesar, Freudenberg

“I think the whole conference went very well, all things considered! Well done to all for your good work, and thanks for your help and support”.

Hunter Most, Product Manager, AAF/Flanders


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