Molymem, a WFI Emerging Technology Award Winner, a spin-out company based at The University of Manchester that is developing a breakthrough water filtration technology, which promises to be both greener and cheaper, has secured a SEED equity investment of £500,000 to help scale up.
The technology comes from research led by Professor Rob Dryfe and Dr. Mark Bissett at The University of Manchester, working in partnership with innovation experts at the University’s Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC). Read more here.
WFI Conference Chair and Advisory Board Member Richard Lydon presented the Emerging Technology Award from WFI to Professor Robert Dryfe. The picture was taken outside the home of Molymem Ltd. at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre of the University of Machester, UK.
Dr. Mark Bissett presented the technology as a keynote speaker at last month's WFI 2022 Annual Conference (WFI 2022) on December 7, 2022, titled '2D Nanomaterials for use in water filtration applications'.
A new class of materials, known as 2D nanomaterials, is becoming more and more popular within academia for applications in separation technology, and recently we have seen them begin to transition from the lab into the industry. The most widely known of these materials is graphene and the related graphene oxide. We are commercializing our patented technology based on the 2D nanomaterial molybdenum disulphide (MoS2). Dr. Bissett introduced the technical background and put it in the context of the progress in the wider academic field on the use of 2D materials for filtration, as well as discussed future directions we may see these 2D materials get adopted in the near future.
Congratulations to Molymem Team! We wish you more success in commercializing the technology for greener and more sustainable clean water solutions.