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In-Place Measure, Monitor and Manage Air Filtration System Associated with COVID-19

In an effort to connect our presenters with the participants, WFI is launching a series of posts to reveal what you can expect at our conference. In this issue, we are very proud to present Mr. Stephen Nicholas and his topic at WFI 2020.

Mr. Stephen Nicholas is the past President of The National Air Filtration Association and has been involved with the HVAC air filtration industry since 1984. He specializes in Hospitals and Health Care Facilities’ applications and attended the Harvard School of Public Health for certifying In-Place HEPA filters for nuclear and non-nuclear applications. He is also a Level II certified filter technician for HEPA Filter Bag In/Bag Out Installations and a certified air filtration specialist. Steve has been certified for Testing Adjusting and Balancing Commercial Building HVAC systems. He is also a Life Member of ASHRAE and has served on several National Committees, actively involved in field air filtration services for hospitals and schools recently associated with COVID-19. One of Steve’s main responsibilities is training and educating health care facility engineers, building operators, and maintenance technicians with the proper selection, installation and maintenance of HVAC air filtration systems.

Abstract of Dr. Owen Presentation

In-Place Measure, Monitor and Manage Air Filtration System Associated with COVID-19

The presentation will highlight the updates of air filtration requirements associated with COVID-19 for actual field applications, such as hospitals and schools. Guidelines and examples will be provided on how to select air filters and schedule filter change-out, and how to select proper air filter clips, latches and gaskets to ensure an airtight filter seal. Three T’s (Technical Tips – Tricks of the Trade and Traps to Avoid) and 3M’s (Measure, Monitor and Manage) to secure an effective air filtration system will be discussed.

Want to discover more about the conference? Find out more HERE!


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