In an effort to connect our presenters with the participants, WFI is launching a series of posts to reveal what you can expect in our conference. In this issue, we are very proud to present Dr.-Ing. Thomas Caesar and his topic at WFI 2020.
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Caesar, Director Global Filter Engineering Industrial Filtration, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Germany
Dr. Caesar is a well-known leading expert in the global filtration industry. He has been working in the filtration industry with extensive experience for over 20 years. Dr. Caesar is now working at Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE&Co. KG, Germany, responsible for global product development, product & application engineering, and laboratory activities in the business unit Industrial Filtration. He serves as Convenor of ISO/TC142/WG12 “Sustainability of air filters”, Chairman of EHEDG working group “Air handling”, Chairman of Eurovent Certification Compliance Committee Air Filters, Expert in several working groups at VDI, DIN, EHEDG, Eurovent, CEN, and ISO.
Abstract of Dr. Caesar’s Presentation:
Cleaning Air during a Global Pandemic
Air filtration has never been under such a high public focus as it is today, during the Covid19 pandemic, especially as there is a strong indication that the SARS-CoV2 virus can spread as aerosols via the air. As the virus may attach to smaller or larger particles (solid or liquid), a wide range of particle sizes has to be considered from some micrometres down to the nanoscale. Air handling units using high quality and efficient fine filters and by regarding specific advice given for the pandemic times do reduce the virus concentration in buildings. Together with other measures like keeping distance and wearing face masks, this can reduce the infection risk significantly.