Igie, Uyioghosa (UK)
Dr Uyioghosa Igie is a Senior Lecturer in Gas Turbine Engineering and Operations. He is the Course Director of the Thermal Power and Propulsion Engineering part-time MSc course tailored to industry professionals. He gained his PhD in Gas Turbine Engineering, 11 years ago from Cranfield University. Since then, he has supervised more than 80 post-graduates (10 PhD and ~70 MSc) as the first supervisor. Dr Igie is an expert in gas turbine performance with interests in compressor fouling degradation, air filter and compressor washing, operational flexibility and hydrogen combustion. He has published widely in several top journals and collaborated with gas turbine engine manufacturers and operators (energy and civil aviation) such as Mitsubishi Power, Rolls Royce, BP, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, R-MC Power Recovery Ltd and Camfil Air Filters and PIC Group. His research project at Cranfield University has attracted more than £1M in research funding as Principal Investigator.