Berens, Jenny (USA)
Dr. Jenny Berens, Director, FFT Industrial, Filter Engineering, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Noth America, earned her M. Sc. in Chemical Engineering at Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Stockholm Sweden, and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at University of Kentucky, KY, USA. After postdoc work at the Valvoline Research Center in Lexington KY, she has continued to dedicate her career to R&D, specializing in material technology, particulate science, and filtration. Since 2017, Dr. Berens has been employed by Freudenberg Filtration Technologies. Dr. Berens was hired on as a Product Segment Engineer for the Gas Phase Filtration segment. she was soon promoted to Manager and now Director for FFT Filter Engineering, North America. This position entails responsibility for regional technical product design and design management as well as connecting and aligning the NA Technical and Sales teams with their global peer teams. Dr. Berens is actively contributing to industry guidelines at ASHRAE and ISO and is currently serving as a board member on the TC2.4 (Particulate Air Contaminants and Particulate Contaminant Removal Equipment) and the ASHRAE 52.2 (Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size) committees as well as a member of the ISO/TC US TAG 142 - Cleaning equipment for air and other gases.